The Sixth Sense : Complete Season 1 (1972) - Rod Serling (4 DVD Set)
The Sixth Sense : Complete Season 1 (1972)
Incl. the complete 13 episodes and a TV trailer
Dr. Michael Rhodes is a college professor with an interest in the paranormal. He and his assistant Nancy spend much of their time investigating mysteries involving extra-sensory perception, spirits, possessions, and other such experiences.
1. Do Not Belong To The Human World
Tina Morris has persistent visions of her brother Randy, a soldier presumed killed in action in Vietnam. She receives a telepathic message from Randy in Chinese by "automatic writing," a psychic phenomenon in which one receives thought impulses and transcribes them while in a trance-like state. Tina seeks the help of Dr. Rhodes, who believes that Randy may still be alive, and seeking escape from a P.O.W. camp. Unfortunately, somebody close to Randy wants to keep his location a secret, and will use any means, including arson and murder, to hide the truth from Dr. Rhodes.
2. The Heart That Wouldn´t Stay Buried
At a routine lecture, Dr. Rhodes is presented with a scalpel which introduces him to a complex, psychic mystery. A dying neurosurgeon believes that his daughter-in-law, Jordana, is killing him with a psychic "tumor" just like she attacked his son Joseph. In fact, Joseph has been subjected to an ongoing brutal ESP attack from an unidentified assailant - an assailant who has a familiarity with the ESP theories of Sigmund Freud.
3. Lady, Lady, Take My Life
Dr. Rhodes comes in contact with a group of five who use their psychic energy to telepathically murder. It's a race against time to see who will be stopped first-the group or Dr. Rhodes.
4. The House That Cried Murder
A young woman who has just moved into the estate of the late Frances Dahlgren imagines herself drowning in a sinking car. She also witnesses a "psychic" murderer in her bathroom, and suspects that her new home is responsible for the ESP impression. Dr. Rhodes searches for answers and discovers that there were two deaths nearby - deaths that were associated with the works of Edgar Allan Poe.
5. The Man Who Died At Three And Nine
A prominent politician, Paul Crowley, has persistent waking visions in which he sees himself and a beautiful Far Eastern woman drowning in a rushing river. Crowley seeks out Dr. Rhodes, who discovers through Kirlian "aura" photography that a telepathic assassin is practicing biological imposition: an attack on Crowley's psyche that will leave the diplomat vulnerable to suggestion.
6. Can A Dead Man Strike From The Grave ?
A man sees murder and plays piano while in a trance.
7. With This Ring, I Thee Kill !
Rhodes fulfills the death wish of an old friend by looking into his daughter's impending marriage to a man she only met a month before.
8. Witch, Witch, Burning Bright
Judith Eaton believes her daughter Damaris is a witch like previous Eatons.
9. Eye Of The Haunted
Dr. Rhodes' girlfriend, a fellow university professor named Diana Parker, is murdered in the park by a shadowy figure. Rhodes meets Diana's twin sister, Terri, and learns that the same killer may be stalking her. A disturbed young man, whose mother is a mind reader, is also a powerful psychic who hears the thoughts of others. He is desperate to silence Terri - a woman he believes to be the returning spirit of Diana.
10. Echo Of A Distant Scream
Paula Norris, while riding late at night, sees a ghostly white horse. Neighbor Tuttle calls in Dr. Rhodes to investigate and ranch hand Billy watches warily. The visions continue including a ring of fire and seem to be tied to a missing girl.
11. Whisper Of Evil
A woman named Alice has a psychic impression of her sister, Monique, with whom she has been separated since childhood. Both women are in danger. Alice is dying from a failed kidney, and Monique has been captured by a Satanic cult. Dr. Rhodes hopes to find Monique, save her life, and then bring her back to the hospital, where she can donate a kidney and, in turn, save Alice.
12. Shadow In The Well
A woman sees her recently drowned husband's image.
13. Face Of Ice
The only thing a woman amnesiac remembers is that she witnessed the murder of a man riding a motorcycle.
Starring : Gary Collins, Rod Serling, Catherine Ferrar
Running time : 13x 50 Minutes appr.
Language : English