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Full Metal Jacket (1987) - Stanley Kubrick  HD DVD

Full Metal Jacket (1987) - Stanley Kubrick HD DVD


Full Metal Jacket (1987)



A superb ensemble cast falls in for action in Stanley Kubrick's brilliant saga about the Vietnam War and the dehumanizing process that turns people into trained killers. Joker, Animal Mother, Gomer, Eightball, Cowboy and more - all are plunged into a boot-camp hell pitbulled by a leatherlung D.I. (Lee Ermey) who views the would-be devil dogs as grunts, maggots or something less.

The action is savage, the story unsparing, the dialogue spiked with scathing humor. Full Metal Jacket, from its rigors of basic training to its nightmare of combat in Hue City, scores a cinematic direct hit.

Starring :

Matthew Modine, Adam Baldwin, Arliss Howard

Director :

Stanley Kubrick


Running time : 116 Minutes

Language : English, German, French  Dolby Digital Plus 5.1

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