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Harry Potter And The Sorcerer´s Stone (2001) - Daniel Radcliffe  HD DVD

Harry Potter And The Sorcerer´s Stone (2001) - Daniel Radcliffe HD DVD


Harry Potter And The Sorcerer´s Stone (2001)



First, J.K. Rowling's delightful bestseller, then an unforgettable movie: Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone is sheer screen enchantment. At its center is Harry, orphaned, unloved, rescued, enrolled as a wizard-in-training at Hogwarts Academy and as his telltale forehead scar shows, destined for great things. Enter into the world of Hogwarts and experience the rich characters, lavish surroundings, wizardly tools and customs, the high-flying sport of Quidditch... and much more beyond imagining. For the most magic ever to visit your house, see you on Platform 9-3/4!

Starring :

Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, John Cleese, Robbie Coltrane

Director :

Chris Columbus


Running time : 152 Minutes

Language : English, German, French  Dolby Digital Plus 5.1

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