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Lady In The Water (2006) - M. Night Shyamalan  HD DVD

Lady In The Water (2006) - M. Night Shyamalan HD DVD


Lady In The Water (2006)



Lullaby. And good fright. The creator of The Sixth Sense and Signs wants to tell you a bedtime story.

A story M. Night Shyamalan told his children is the springboard for this spellbinding plunge into the supernatural. Paul Giamatti plays an apartment manager who finds an otherworld water nymph named Story (Bryce Dallas Howard) in the pool, then sets out to help her return to her home, The Blue World. "It's about to get very dangerous," she warns. And very fascinating. Because fierce Blue World monsters prowl nearby, determined to destroy Story - and anyone who aids her, including the apartment dwellers who come to realize they are players in her tale. Their lives have undiscovered purposes. And how they defy the monsters to fulfill those destinies forms the amazing heart of discovery in Lady in the Water.

Starring :

Bryce Dallas Howard, Paul Giamatti

Director :

M. Night Shyamalan


Running time : 109 Minutes

Language : English, German, French  Dolby Digital Plus 5.1

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