On Deadly Ground (1994) - Steven Seagal Blu-ray codefree
On Deadly Ground (1994)
Region code A,B,C - codefree
The roughest of Alaska's oil-rig roughnecks, Forrest Taft specializes in fighting oil-well fires. Yet he faces and even more incendiary battle against renegade Aegis Oil president Michael Jennings. Aegis has put profits over environmental safety. And that puts Taft, a Native Alaskan activist and anyone else opposing the company on its hit list. But Taft hits back, using the martial arts, survival and explosives skills he learned as a high-level CIA operative. Goin one-on-one or one-on-20, Taft lets the Aegis bullyboys know where they stand: mess with the land he loves and they're On Deadly Ground.
Starring :
Steven Seagal, Joan Chen, Michael Caine
Director :
Steven Seagal
Running time : 101 Minutes
Language : English, Spanish