Skipalong Rosenbloom AKA Square Shooter (1951) - Maxie Rosenbloom DVD
Skipalong Rosenbloom AKA Square Shooter (1951)
Former boxing champ Maxie Rosenbloom plays a lampooned variation of Hopalong Cassidy, with all the standard western cliches in evidence. "Skipalong" Rosenbloom is depicted as the star of a heavily commercialized TV kiddie show, presided over by a smarmy announcer. The plot proper finds "Skipalong" at odds with western bad guy Butcher Baer, played by Rosenbloom's onetime ring opponent Max Baer. Others in the cast are Jackie Coogan, Fuzzy Knight and Hillary Brooke, who seem to be having fun with the dreadful material foisted upon them.
Starring :
Maxie Rosenbloom, Max Baer, Jackie Coogan
Director :
Sam Newfield
Running time : 71 MInutes
Language : English