You Can´t Fool Your Wife (1940) - Lucille Ball DVD
You Can´t Fool Your Wife (1940)
Andrew and Clara are school sweethearts whose marriage goes stale after five years. Andrew is a hard worker at the firm, but it seems that all he does is work. When Mr. Battincourt from London must be entertained, Andrew gets stuck entertaining him - and he Battincourt likes to party. Andrew is only doing his job, but Clara thinks differently and tosses him out. Andrew tries to reason with Clara, but Mother is against him. So Battincourt tries to get them back together by giving Clara the beauty treatment and having a costume party. But Mercedes Vasquez is an identical twin at the same party.
Starring :
Lucille Ball, James Ellison, Robert Coote
Director :
Ray McCarey
Running time : 67 Minutes
Language : English