Working Girl (1988) - Harrison Ford MEGARAR Japan LD Laserdisc Set with OBI
Working Girl (1988)
Laserdisc, Japan with OBI
Harrison Ford, Sigourney Weaver and Melanie Griffith star in Mike Nichols' hilarious, six-time Oscar nominee about a woman determined to shape her own destiny. When her overbearing boss, Katharine (Weaver), breaks a leg skiing, Tess McGill (Griffith) takes over her office, apartment and wardrobe. But when Tess creates a deal with a handsome investment banker (Ford) - who happens to be Katharine's boyfriend - she's either jumping up the corporate ladder - or about to commit suicide!
Starring :
Harrison Ford, Sigourney Weaver, Melanie Griffith
Director :
Mike Nichols
Running time : 114 Minutes
Language : English
Subtitles : Japanese